16 November 2022







Young Carers

The Committee received a presentation by Judith Russ, Head of Placement Support and Stuart Williams, Senior Contracts and Commissioning Officer.


The wide-ranging presentation is available Here


The Young Carers and Adult Carers Support Service is an all age service delivered by a single provider in four localities.  This provides a number of benefits, such as a clear cohesive offer to carers and closer collaboration between Service Providers.


There are estimated to be 1,107 young carers, aged 0 to 15 and 2,426 aged 16 to 24 according to the 2011 census).  There is no, one, agreed model with regards to the predicted prevalence of Young Carers in the population.  A common ratio of 1:12 is often used as an indicator. This could mean there may be as many as 6,657 Young Carers in North Yorkshire.


Emotional and mental health is a major concern among young carers.  The Growing up in North Yorkshire Bi-Annual Survey received 16,000 responses in 2020.  Young Carers worry about a range of matters such as family; the way they look; examinations; school-work problems; and falling out with friends.


Young carers are referred from multifarious sources and can self-refer.


Awareness raising occurs in a number of ways to ensure people are aware of the service. 


Partnership working is crucial, with the Young Carers Service providing a whole family approach which focuses on the young carer and their family.


Many platforms for feedback exist, including Youth Council and Carers Focus Groups.  Schools are increasingly becoming involved in feedback, which is valued and welcomed.


In terms of transition from being a young carer to an adult carer, the fact that the service is now an all age service will make the transition easier to manage.


Officers responded to a number of questions from Members including:-


-        How the Service seeks to ensure young carers do not go under the radar.


-        Whether more can be done to access young carers who do not wish to identify as such.


-        The effectiveness of partnership working.


-        Alternatives for carers who do not find the thought of attending a group to be appealing.


-        The importance of ensuring that caring does not have a detrimental effect on the education of young carers.


-        How large-scale needs are provided for and whether home education complicates the task faced by officers


Child Death Overview Panel Annual Report 2021/2022

Ali Firby, Child Death Review Officer for North Yorkshire and York, presented a summary.


It is a statutory requirement to have a Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP). The Panel follows national guidance set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018.


The Panel review each child’s death and, where it is possible to do so, learns from them to help prevent further deaths.


In the period concerned, there were 38 child deaths notified to the CDOP and 47% of the children notified were under one year old.


The majority of deaths (87%) notified occurred within a Hospital Trust setting.


In North Yorkshire, a greater proportion of the child deaths were female – nationally, the proportion is higher among males.


The Panel’s work is informed by a Joint Agency Response meeting that is held within a few days of the child’s death.  These meetings are well attended with good engagement.  One of the issues considered is support to the family.


The two principal achievements of the Panel in 2021/2022 related to Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) Prevention and Suicide Prevention. The former included the development of the SUDI “Prevent and Protect Model” and awareness campaign, with a strapline Day or Night, Sleep Right.  In terms of Suicide Prevention, initiatives included having contacted Schools, Colleges and Further Education settings, outlining the action that can be taken within their own organisation.


Priorities for 2022/2023 are:-


·           Exploring and developing the role of the Key Worker.

·           Ensuring greater awareness of the What 3 Words App Campaign.

·           An audit of cases to establish any themes, patterns or trends in relation to Neonatal twin deaths, given the increase locally


Ali Firby responded to a number of questions/comments from Members including:-


-        Whether there are any patterns among deaths that had modifiable factors (e.g. parents smoking during pregnancy).


-        Whether there is an agreed position regarding advice about a child’s sleeping position.


-        Links with Police Family Liaison Officers.


Looking ahead

The Committee considered its outline Work Programme.  Items currently scheduled for our next meeting in December are:-


·           Financial position – Children and Young People’s Service

·           North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership  - Annual Report

·           Adoptions – Annual Report of  One Adoption, North and Humber





31 OCTOBER 2022